You might find this hard to believe but we get very little financial support from AFL Australia.
We receive some funding from the Australian government through their TEAM UP and PACIFIC AUS SPORTS programs. This funding is dedicated to individual programs only.
TEAM UP – Plei footy blo jenis / play footy for change – our program aimed at educating and improving personal resilience around gender equality, sexual and domestic violence.
PacificAus Sports – funding our new Talent Academy for the development of coaches, umpires and officials.
But all other funds we raise ourselves.
We get fantastic support from the football clubs in our AFL community regional partners in: AFL Hunter Central Coast, AFL North Coast, and AFL North West.
We also receive donations of money and equipment from various clubs around Australia.
Any specific fundraising programs will be in our news and on our Facebook pages as they happen.
However, if you want to support us in any way please email to discuss how you can be involved.